Tuesday, February 2, 2010


so long din update my blog le hehe ,cuz too busy n got pass not happy day too but also no choose...

30.1 is my bro married that day i woke up at 5.00 cz i need toke shower n clean (shen tai) when finish done all already is 5.40 then i ready go out le cuz he told me at night 6.30 wan reach his house,i hear the time i got abit so lz hehe but is ok lah cuz married is one ppl one time hehe also is super big day ^^,when i out that time the sky still dark like at night hehe then i open windows close the aircon for driving ,cuz so long no that feel already hehe when i reach his house really is 6.30 also ngam ngam hehe but got other best fren 6 already at there hehe cuz at night they at his house ply card till morning din back hehe funny le they all ^^ ghost~
at 7 am we start go his wife house that time will got take a movie vry funny lah the careman say 老婆我来了,uhs~~~~ then we also follow lur hehe finish take me all go in car n ready to go...we all one ppl drive one car like got over 15 hehe and all also black windows hehe crazy ^^
after 10minit we reach his wife house already will give bully hehe ,first is eat 粥,but already mix thing inside d when they cook,then they let we all eat still put again u noe what mah hahah that is chivas wahahahah....no body will noe that is chivas cuz is black all think is kicap hahaha funny le....my bro call me go eat i ask them yummy or not they smile so bad nya hehe i take one skup the bubur n i take beside the all black black cuz i think is kicap haha manatau put in the mouth like feel vry kick n the high start coming then i got abit blur le cuz last eat is me all chivas lagi hehe ,2nd food is jally inside got (chong chong) haha that i din eat hehe cuz they say wan 10 ppl i din go hahah saw they eat dao all vomit hehe funny lah ~ the last is drink, the water is green n inside got put WASABII~~!!!! got one ppl smell but donnoe what is that then the i kick drink finish just noe is got wasabii wahahahahah nasib i no take xii xii...we at there ply le like got 30minit then we go church ...the church is vry big at sandung jaya there inside hehe first time in church tur me hehe but feel so good lah go in like got ppl protect tur hehe....
not long suddenly my dad call me ask go do bill n my bro d big bro then we go office to bill so no at there wait till finish hehe so sorry ya ah qian hehe ^^
when finish do bill then we go back his home n take lunch hehe finish take lunch then i back home sleep cuz too tried le hehe ^^
5.30 i woke up then go take shower then change a cloth wait my mum then we go the wedding party at sutera harbor not not bad already they food but vry suck is what when we cannot finish eat we cannot take away the food lol siao zzzz n we also park at vip parking hehe macam we live at they hotel tur hehe,that day i feel happy cuz with all fren n bro also can yam xing with them all hehe wish u happy 4ever with u wife ah qian ^^

morning mum call me fetch grandmother go c his mum then i say ok 10 i will come back the house then just go cuz i haven take shower hehehe....then 10.20 like that we out we reach at her mum there then my mum call me say wan do bill aiyoh macam i driving sport ni wan say the driver wan take now zzzz but i don care i call the driver wait me cuz i wan fetch my dear dear hehe cuz long time din see her le too miss her le ^^but i sms her still not yet woke up o really pig her hehe but so cute hehe....when i out from grandgrandmother house my dear reply me le then i call her fast fast change cloth cuz i wan back home do bill ^^.15minit i reach my dear house she also ready at outside house wait me le hehe then fetch le her i go da bao rice n use le 47.80 hehehe is 5 people eat lah hehe ^^then i go add oil lol that day i add oil donnoe the ppl why keep looking me ,myb i wear so le fei hehehe ! not long then i go back my grandgrandmother house fetch my grand mother ^^ then together bacck home le ^^
then i back home my dear at there eat then i go do my bill cuz driver wan take le hehe ^^
we finish eat le then my dear watch tv at my room then i rest cuz too early woke up will vry tried d me hehe weird2 d hehe ^^
4.30 i woke up le cuz my dear kick me wake up hehe,but i no scold her hehe then i go help my dog bath n i bath also cuz i wan go kkip hehe ^^ that is my syok time hehe DRIFT ! haha
5.30 then i out fromm home n bring my dear go c drift hehe when i reach there my fren already start at there ply le hehe n i talk with his gf she tell me today will less ppl come cuz another got thing wan to do n got party at firefly hehe like 20minit i go sit my fren car s15 haha we ply awhile only cuz no more ppl at there ply ....
no long then i send my dear back home then i wan go tamparuli take diner ....that time i got back home take mummy call me take d thing n take my dog too cuz my small bro wan ply
not long like 10minit i reach tamparuli house lol reach dao there telus give scold by mum zzzzzzzzzzzz! ask why big the dog zzz lol daddy call bring the dog give my bro ply then i bring lah scold for what zzz vry hate ppl scold here scold there no wrong also give scold lol change back i scold u u also not syok lah same meaning ....then i no choi her i go take my dinner i eat abit only cuz no wei kou eat le,then i sit sofa c tv n diam diam talk also no talk cuz i lz open the mouth....
not long daddy ask me where u sleep i say tamparuli cuz mummy call,then daddy ask why u sleep there ur house cannot sleep? then i say i donno don ask me is mummy call me don go down,then daddy ask mummy why don let the son go down,mum say cuz my dad coming down from kudat no parking at home so not need go down,then daddy say tomorrow i wan outstation go KL who send me go ,mum say i send u go ,then dad say the two baby how,mum say put at my mum there ,then dad say mum don that ma fan wan so early wake up ,then mum ask me wan how i say i donnoe cuz me is u two control i wan do what also wrong i say what also wrong batter i diam not say thing manatau daddy say u go down kay2 house tomorrow morning u send daddy go airport,then i answer o only lah cuz i also nothing can say,manatau i go out the parking room i go put my dog thing my mum ngam me lol !!!!!!!!!!!! i got wrong what i really wan ting her already jipet ! u noe that time i what also no say what also no answer still wrong a kima i'm u son i not a robot ! i already 19 not sill small ,i wan do i need d thing also cannot still wan u control u noe feel vry hard like that my life.! then i go take my dog put in car then she out say what also my wrong do also my wrong then i cannot tahan i ting at all infront i say u got wrong meh macam no tur wrong is me edward ting wrong all i say one u all say i wrong what can i say ,batter i be ya ba more good u all ask me i just hmm hmm hmm like that more good not need say thing nvm lah i lost now cuz i feel i no use all is my wrong ,then my ah yi say me why u like that hmmm don that angry le no good for u ,then i lazy hear i go in my car i open the song vry big the volume cuz i don wan hear dao they say anything.....vry sad lah that day haiz.....! why mum wan treat me like that?i got wrong anything meh??bad?what my bad?i feel din hv...smoke?i also not touch? si du ? i also not go learn n touch lol still got what is not good le i wan noe haiz...........! vry sad feel i live alone batter no more fan no more scold ! not need see the color face !

today 2.2.10 is suck day wake up already wan give scold ! macam i wrong jipet....nvm is ok i ren i diam diam i no say thing i hear only then i go take shower,then mum say she wan wash face then i answer o only cuz wash face also not me zzz wan care that mny for ? also not my business too
not long i feel something macam din do so i take bath then go do cuz daddy say wan go do the car i forget le then now got free time i go fast do finish it cuz i lz hear ppl ngam ngam cham cham there early do will batter ,manatau i wan reach my uncle there mum call me ask me where i say wan reach uncle there wan do the car lol she ask why out lol why i cannot out? then i say lol i wan go do my car cuz daddy call then she scold scold there i also hot then i ting zhui only then scold me again i close the phone cuz i lz hear!i reach uncle shop that not good luck he shop no current then is ok lah i tell her wan do the car he go c ,he say easy d awhile also can do le ,then i phone back my mum ask her wan what time out fetch my dad she say 4.30 out then ok lah cuz just 2pm only still got 2hour half then she ngam ngam cham cham i also lz hear i ngi nig ah ah thern close phone le ....who talk phone with me at there take ngi ngi ngo ngo d i sure close u wan say me no li mao up to u cuz me is like that! u choi a lol....then not long she call me tell me she drive dad car i drive her car n wan bring my bro lol ! i hear daoo punya mafan ! batter u drive u car u bring bro n i drive dad car meh more ok no that ma fan ! but she still don wan then what ever lah i also don care it ! i back home take le phone thing cuz wan send to my lui2 use her phone broken le then i send to hear 5.10 i reach airport she wan ngam me then i open song hear lalalala i what also no hear see me is like that d xing ge i not like ppl scold then is not like today d me is like that cuz my fire still not yet down hahaha still hot but i ok lah haha ok lah update next time now feel ok abit le my mood hehe nasib got this blog can let me scold hehe

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